Newsletter April 2017

Newsletter April 2017 1024 461 Guardian Financing

How Mortgage Brokers Should Use Social Media

As your private lending partner, our mission is to add value to your business, which is why we have assembled the following introductory guide regarding the importance of social media and Facebook marketing, and how you can begin to leverage it. A solid presence and reputation on social media can make or break your mortgage broker business. In fact, you can lose sales as a direct result of having a poor online presence or a poor online reputation. For instance, even if we at Guardian Financing have over 5 years of experience as a private lender, and consider ourselves the best at what we do, we must come across as a reputable private lender via our Facebook page. Therefore, we advise brokers to take social media seriously, and to invest the time and money required to make it profitable.

Social Media : The Importance of Community and Reputation Management

It is imperative to monitor your community and to put out the right content, which transforms you into a SME (subject matter expert). In addition, you must engage, grow and nurture your target audience to stimulate meaningful and relevant discussions.

Social media consists of a variety of communities that are relevant to mortgage brokers, including various real-estate associations and networking groups that are accessible without too many restrictions, allowing borrowers to post feedback, reviews and information about your business. Through community management, mortgage brokers can foster good relationships with both their online and offline communities, which will further enhance top of mind awareness among customers, brand recognition, conversions, and growth of their respective brands.

Facebook : How Pay per Click and Pay per Impression Can Get You More Leads

Pay-per-click is a model of marketing where advertisers pay every time someone clicks on an ad. It can be described as a way of purchasing visits to a website instead of waiting to earn those visits organically or through direct referrals. Essentially, even though your ad is widely visible to your target audience, your ad will only cost you money if and when someone potentially interested in a mortgage loan clicks on it.

On the other hand, pay-per-impression is when advertisers pay when their ads are shown to a predetermined number of people. With such an arrangement, the advertisers will be charged only when their ads are shown a given number of times, usually 1000 times. Using this method, advertisers are not charged for any clicks on the ads.

Facebook Analytics, Demographics and Retargeting

Facebook analytics is a tool that provides you with comprehensive reporting on vital metrics about your ads, audiences and their interactions. Amongst other things, this data reveals the number of impressions your ads received, the number of clicks, and the age group of those who interacted with your ads, along with other metrics. Thanks to analytics, marketers have had a chance to refine their target audience, exposing more relevant ads to individuals interested in your mortgage financing services, and make it much more likely for you to sign on new clients.

Demographics on the other hand, provide the demographic information relating to your target audience and these include data such as relationship status, gender, age, job and place of residence amongst other key data. Retargeting allows you to continue to market to those individuals whom had visited your website in the past, since when they see your ad again, they will be more likely to take action.

The importance of Having a Targeted Landing Page

Creating a targeted landing page is a must in order to ensure the overall success of your digital marketing strategy. Here are reasons why it is important to create a targeted landing page:

  • Targeted landing pages lead to more conversions
  • Targeted landing pages will give you better metrics and statistics to help you optimize your ads further.
  • Better optimization will lead to better conversions, and hence higher ROI.
  • The quality and relevancy of a landing page can either enhance or damage your brand’s reputation.

Facebook Pixel and How it Works

A Facebook pixel is a piece of code you can place on your website to report on conversions and build audiences, in addition to obtaining rich insights regarding how visitors are interacting with or using your website. A Facebook pixel will help you achieve the following:

  • Build audiences for retargeting.
  • Measure conversions on multiple devices.
  • Optimize the delivery of your ads to people who have higher chances of taking action.
  • Create lookalike audiences for more reach and better conversions.
  • Run dynamic product ads and access audience insights on your site’s visitors.

Not sure if Facebook is right for you? Get to know the pros and cons of social media for mortgage brokers, as per our March 2017 newsletter.

Are you postponing your online marketing campaign? If so, you’re leaving money on the table! Get started today!

Guardian Financing is a direct private mortgage lender. We serve the greater Montreal area, providing
short-term mortgage loans, typically ranging from $50,000 to $500,000. Contact us today to discuss your file at (514) 700-3121 or by sending us an email at